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What Every Nurse Needs to Know about High-Resolution Manometry 

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Esophageal high-resolution manometry (HRM) is the current state-of-the-art diagnostic tool to evaluate esophageal motility patterns. HRM measures intraluminal pressure activity in the gastrointestinal tract using a series of closely spaced pressure sensors. In this webinar, we will discuss how the procedure is performed, which patient population would benefit from this procedure, how to interpret the results and lastly, the clinical applicability of the test results. 


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this educational activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Define High-Resolution Manometry (HRM)

  2. List the indications for the procedure

  3. Identify normal and abnormal findings

Faculty Bio:

Janice is currently the Clinical and Research Coordinator, Esophageal Function Laboratory, Digestive Disease Center, Endoscopy at the Medical University at South Carolina. In this capacity, Janice independently performs and acts as a pre-reader for High Resolution Impedance Manometry as well as the coordinator for an advance motility training course for clinicians from other facilities. She has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has lectured at numerous regional and national medical/nursing conferences. Janice is the recipient of the Palmetto Gold Award, awarded to top 100 nurses in South Carolina.


Continuing Education for Nurses 

This education activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour. Provider Saxe Healthcare Communications approved by California Board of Nursing, Provider # 14477 and the Florida Board of Nursing Provider # 50-17032. Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit by the American Association of Respiratory Care.


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